divers for reef conservation

reef workers, reef protectors

Divers for Reef Conservation was formed in 2017 to bring together the thousands of people who work in the Great Barrier Reef dive and eco-tourism industry. As the tour operators, divers, marine biologists and other staff who work in this World Heritage area every day, they were devastated to watch the mass bleaching events of 2016 and 2017, caused by out-of-control global warming. They knew we had to join together to raise awareness about how climate change is threatening the Reef and the 64,000 jobs that depend upon it.

In early 2021, Divers for Reef Conservation joined forces with Divers for Climate. Tackling global climate change is going to require all hands on deck, which means that collaborating and combining resources are key to moving forward. Founder of Divers for Reef Conservation, Tanya Murphy, and her volunteers are now helping us out on the ground in Cairns, fighting for the biggest reef system in the world. You can check out some of the amazing work done by Tanya and Divers for Reef Conservation below!

It's not too late to save our reef, but time is critical


Right now, we are at a crossroads and our window of opportunity to act is running out. World leaders, starting with our own Australian government, have a responsibility to honour the Paris Agreement and to protect the Reef on behalf of all Australians, all humanity, and future generations. Yet our representatives continue to support the expansion of coal and gas, including Adani’s mega coal mine. To give our Reef a chance for the future, Australia must join the rest of the world to rapidly phase out the burning and exporting of coal and other fossil fuels, and transition to renewable energy by 2030.

We call on all our political leaders to stand up for North Queensland businesses and jobs and fight for the future of our Reef.

  • NO new coal, oil or gas projects
  • 100 per cent renewable energy generation and exports by 2030
  • Funding for a just transition and job creation for all fossil fuel industry workers and communities